Take our ABS/PWC class and get your State Boating Certificate On-line after the class with the Boat America Course!
Next Class: Boat America! - February 22nd 2025! Click here to Pay and Register!
Piloting, Charting and GPS and more courses also available: Connecticut Boating Classes
Get a Vessel Safety Check
Be safe and avoid fines: make sure your boat meets all of the state and Federal requirements with a free Safety Check. Contact a Vessel Examiner Here

"Our Charts, Navigation and GPS Class will teach you everything from reading a nautical chart and plotting a course on a paper chart to using the latest GPS technology"

Understand latitude and longitude and be able to determine your location. Learn how to calculate boat speed, time and distance on the water as well as the proper use of dividers, parallel rules and other plotting tools. Check out the boating class dates.

Flotilla 24-3 offers a number of Boating Courses including the 8 Hr Boating Safety Class required for a CT Safe Boating Certificate. Another course we offer is the Navigation, Charting and GPS class.

All students will need to get a State of CT Conservation ID Number before taking the ABS/PWC class. Go here and register for a FREE ID number.
Flotilla 24-03 conducts marine patrols and search and rescue missions in Long Island Sound, educates the public via boating safety classes, and conducts vessel safety checks. These are just a few of the many missions the members of 24-03 undertake in serving their boating community, our state and our country.

Meetings are held the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00PM. Contact us:
Telephone: 203-874-0200
Email: Click Here
1 Helwig Street
PO Box One
Milford, CT 06460-0001
Did you know?
88.5% of boating fatalities involved a boat operator with no or only informal boating instruction! Take the About Boating Safety Course with Flotilla 24-03, Milford, CT.
Operation Paddle Smart: Operation Paddle Smart, though it is an ongoing program, officially runs from May 1 to June 30. The operation is a multi-partnered endeavor developed by the First Coast Guard District and Coast Guard Auxiliary to generate greater safety awareness among paddlers and small boat operators. The primary goals are to promote the life-saving benefit of wearing a life jacket, to highlight the immediate danger of sudden cold water immersion, to encourage boater and paddler education, and to stress the importance of being a responsible and prudent mariner.
Please wear a lifejacket while paddling. Please also note that Connecticut State law requires a lifejacket to be onboard at all times for each person and that it be worn from October 1st to May 31.
How to Choose the Right Life Jacket